Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Cordovan reflected inwardly at what he had just said. In truth Cord and Giz were friends for a long time, ignorantly playing fun games and learning about the great big world that this place was turning out to be but the fun games didn't last. Cordovan listened in on a conversation of his father with grandpa Stout.


"Now son, you know humans are the closest things we have to demons, don't ya? Just kill 'em off and be done with it. They can't be trusted."

"But father, they have great potential-"

"To do what? kill us all? Just like how they destroyed their own civilization! No my boy, they have skill for chaos, destruction comes naturally. No my son, scorched earth is all they know and what we must give them."

"...father... I'm pulling through with it, regardless."

"Your mad, my son, humans can't even stand the hand of organization under themselves and yes they did create us, by accident might I add. But my son, our creators are no saviors. They need to pass like an old rag, it is the Nimfurry's turn to organize."

"With respect, the decision has been made. This province is going to be a slaved state whether you like it or not. The benefits out way the chance-"

seeing the warning in his fathers eyes "if they are indeed stronger they deserve to survive."

Gramps stout turned to the door in mild disgust. "your grandmother died from the hand of one of thoughts Creator-ish slime I'll have no part of it." holding back hatefully words he left and echoed "I'll be on the mother Island If you want me. and, good luck... you'll need it."


Despite the truth, Cordovan longed for the days of his younger youth when things never had a color of white or black, and the world seemed like a peaceful place with out a problem anywhere and rainbows around every corner.

When he got to where Giselle was about to be pummeled, he saw that a female had already broken up the fight. He presumed it was the angry guy's wife. The crowd started to diminish as Cordovan approached the angry guy. The guy was now arguing with the female, and didn't notice Giselle run away. When he spotted Cordovan he eyes turned a firery red. "You're family is going to pay for my things. Especially the eggs, those are hard to come by these days."

"Of course, of course. Just send us the bill." Cordovan faked a smile and turned away from the guy to find Giselle.

Looking on the ground where she had been, and then looking off into the distance where the tracks lead. "she's heading to the fields." Cordovan muttered to himself. "the same place were we used to play tag. "

Cordovan meandered to where he knew she would likely be. Hands in his pockets and a look of annoyance across his face. "better get this over with."

After traveling for a while and now in the fields Cordovan saw some movement in the bushes. "Giselle, if that's you, you're in big trouble." then muttering under his breath. "not to mention the stuff I'm going to have to go through."


  1. dee that can be you, or just a random thing like the wind or something. sorry it took so long to write, had writers block

    so what did we want for the next segment

    also would you like any changes. also I have no idea on how to edit your post dee.

  2. it's good, but it doesn't fit with what I wrote. I'm not in a field running from you, I am in the middle of a crowd about to be pummeled by a large angry gopher guy...I have an idea, if you don't mind the edit.

  3. sure, but oyohjfhoiEUEFUIOHIPDDHVJLJSDKLVBF

  4. and the garble is well i got distracted pay no attention to it


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